4 overblown Windows 10 worries
Does Microsoft's new OS really endanger your privacy and security? We examine the four top concerns about Windows 10 -- and what you can do about them.
Concern: Wi-Fi Sense will share all your Wi-Fi passwords.
Truth: Wi-Fi Sense will not share your passwords.
Concern: Windows 10 updates are automatically installed on your computer -- and that's a bad thing.
Truth: Automatically accepting Windows 10 updates isn't a bad thing. And there are plenty of workarounds.
And auto-updates don't apply at all to businesses running Windows 10 Enterprise.
And while Windows 10 Home users won't see the "Defer upgrades" box, there is a sneaky workaround they can use to defer updates as well.
As for automatic installs of non-security updates -- yes, they can be really inconvenient, especially if the update causes an issue with your system. But remember -- you can uninstall them.
Concern: Microsoft's use of peer-to-peer networking for Windows updates will slow down your network connection.
Truth: Windows 10 does use peer-to-peer networking to distribute updates. But it can be turned off -- and a tweak could actually decrease your bandwidth use.
To get updates this way (but not deliver them to others), leave the setting at On, and select "PCs on my local network." When you do that, your PC won't be used to send updates to PCs not on your network, but will deliver them to other PCs on your network.
Concern: Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare.
Truth: You can protect yourself by changing the defaults.
4 overblown Windows 10 worries
Reviewed by samia khan
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